Art Tollick
Friday, January 12, 2007
Howard Community College
Talked with Joan Millane of Millane Partners, who has been engaged by Howard Community College (HCC)to create an RFP for creating a public/private partnership to build a tennis facility. She said the College was envisioning having a private partner building a small 4-6 court indoor facility in exchange for College land. I suggested there might be an advantage to partnering with HCTP and sharing a facility offsite at Troy Park. She said she would broaden the language of the RFP to allow for an off-site facility, but the College does not have the budget to provide any funds to such a project. She expressed concern that a small facility on campus might not be financially viable, particularly if Troy Park were built. In any event, she will send us a copy of the RFP to which to respond. I believe having HCC as a partner would increase our standing with sponsors.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
'Management Structure and Philosophy'
I have made an addition to 'Docs to Review' entitled 'Management Structure and Philosophy'. It address the management strategy to achieve and maintain our Vision Statement. Although controversial we need the right management structure to give substance and credibility to our vision. We need to iterate and hone this to get it right.