Thursday, July 26, 2007

New HCTP board members

HCTP has expanded and strengthened it's board with three highly successful local executives and tennis affectionados. Joining the current board of Hugh Cole, Lynn Coddington and Art Tollick we are pleased to welcome the following new board members:

Dr. Charles Brown,
UMBC Director of Athletics since September 1989 where he Achieved 38 league championships. Charlie Served two terms as president of the Maryland Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics.

Dr. David Burnell is a PhD physicist whose day job is advanced design of integrated circuits for a local company in Columbia. David's passion and avocation is tennis -- he is both an active player and strong advocate of local programs.

Qualifying Developers and Underwriters

With help from Millane Partners HCTP now has a sanctioned road map for the upcoming public/private transaction to build the Troy Park facility. We are now in the process of qualifying suitable developers and experienced underwriters. There are three development companies with which we have had discussions.