Sunday, February 24, 2008

2007 HCTP Annual Report

2007 HCTP Annual Report to
the Howard County Tennis Community

Howard County Tennis Patrons (HCTP) is a nonprofit corporation formed in 2004 to promote the growth of tennis in Howard County and is committed to building a major regional tennis training center. We made much progress in 2006 and 2007 and would like to share our accomplishments as well as our plans for 2008:
  1. Commissioned a feasibility study by Brailsford and Dunlavey, a national sports consulting firm, which documented the need for, and financial feasibility of, additional lighted and indoor tennis courts in Howard County.
  2. Became registered as a charitable organization.
  3. Hired Millane & Associates to guide us through the financing of a tennis facility.
  4. Secured preliminary approval of the Howard County Recreation and Parks Department to negotiate a ground lease for a proposed tennis facility at Troy Park in eastern Howard County.
  5. Held three public meetings and several individual meetings with County officials to raise awareness and garner support for a Troy Park Tennis Center.
  6. Grew the HCTP Board to eight people (Lynn Coddington, Art Tollick, Dave Burnell, Charles Brown, Lemont Joyner, Suzan Lumpkin, Kim Barnes and Karen Vaughn) and elected Art Tollick as the new President, Lynn Coddington as Vice President and Dave Burnell as Treasurer.
  7. Raised $40,000 to fund expenses including $25,000 from a USTA grant and about $16,000 from community donations.
  8. Secured partnership pledges from Howard Community College and UMBC.
  9. Built a database of 600 tennis players
  10. Retained Miles and Stockbridge as Legal Counsel.
  11. Began to identify a Civil Engineer and Architect with whom to work.

We have aggressive plans for 2008, which we hope will lead to construction of the Tennis Center in 2009. These include:

  1. Completing a comprehensive Business Plan.
  2. Securing support of the Greater Elkridge Community Association.
  3. Negotiating and executing a ground lease for Troy Park with Howard County.
  4. Identifying Business Partners, Grants, and large Donors.
  5. Continuing community fundraising to cover short-term expenses.
  6. Securing a $150K line of credit to complete engineering and architectural studies, County negotiations, and bring the project to a point that it can be sold to large Donors and Bond Underwriters.
  7. Engaging an Accountant, Civil Engineer, Architect, and perhaps a Developer.
  8. Securing $13.5 million in donations, sponsorships and bond financing.
  9. Growing our Board (Dave Marshall, Director of Tennis at Sea Colony, joined our Board on Jan 17, 2008) and doubling our database.

We appreciate all of your support and suggestions. If you can help us with any of our 2008 goals, please let us know.

Art Tollick,
HCTP President